Lyrics. poems and anecdotes
Welcome, you've made it this far! Below are some lyric samples.
More to follow, enjoy!

Two poems and a flash story published by Long Shot Books LLC in the Atomic Flyswatter Online gallery:
About Nothing, Lines and No Responsibility

Morning Oyster Musick lyrics

Rhyming Down The Line
(Playing With Illusion, Robert Hoare & M.O.M 2021)
Rhyming Down The Line

Flat Standing Rooms
(Playing With Illusion, Robert Hoare & M.O.M 2021)
Flat Standing Rooms

Gone So Many Years
(Everywhere Somewhere Is Nowhere, M.O.M 2017)
Gone So Many Years

Mary's Letter
(Everywhere Somewhere Is Nowhere, M.O.M 2017)
Mary's Letter


for Till Broenner

from “Love”, Till Broenner &
"Once For Every Heart", Mark Murphy (USA)
Our Game

Translations for Rammstein
A note about my translations for Rammstein:
If you go online looking for the English versions, you'll find controversy.
Rammstein's lyrics are complex and don't always translate word for word
in a way which fits the song (i.e. rhythm & rhyme schemes). "Du Hast/You Hate"
being a prime example. The translations I was hired to do and worked on
with Till Lindemann were done with singing in mind. That is to say,
word for word meaning took a back seat to the rhythm and the rhyme schemes in the songs.
If you don't speak German and you're looking for 'literal' translations, then
there are plenty of web sites with word for word meaning.
excerpts Engel/Angel
Sehnsucht - Motor Music GmbH 1997
(original lyrics & music by Rammstein/ English translations by R. Hoare)